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Available Astrological Services

Full Birth Chart Reading


A full-bodied introduction to your birth chart.


Sit down for a 90 minute video chat as we take a look at the snapshot of the sky at the time you were born. As we dive deep into your chart, you'll learn about how your signs & planetary placements inform & interact with one another in their respective houses. This includes life events, personality traits, emotional motifs, & relationship themes.


Wisdom from the stars will guide what you emphasize in life & how you might fruitfully live your life in rhythm with your unique pattern of being.




(5 min)

Not sure if a reading is right for you?


Great for people unsure about astrology, interested but not fully committed yet, or for those who don't have the funds to pay for a full session (DM me if that's the case!). 




*can segue into desired session for full price if desired.

Standard Birth Chart Reading

(60 min)

An introduction to your birth chart.


Sit down for a 60 minute video chat as we take a look at the snapshot of the sky at the time you were born. While we study your chart, you'll learn which houses are ruled by what signs and which planetary placements inform and interact with one another.


Wisdom from the stars will guide what you emphasize in life and how you might fruitfully live your life in rhythm with your unique pattern of being.




Birth Chart (Big 3)


 Question Consult

(30 min)

An extremely brief introduction to your birth chart. Sit with me for a 30 minute zoom chat to learn what your "big three" are  & how they may impact you as a person.


Great for guidance on future decisions, reconciliation of the past, and understandings of current events. Come prepared with a question you've been wanting to ask, it can be as vague as "What do I need to hear right now?", or as specific as you need. What, Where, When, Who, Why,  and How are all great starts to a chart consult.



For All Astrology Readings:


You will be asked to provide your birthdate, location of birth, and exact birth time* prior to appointment.


Boston Local Meet-ups Available

(include in message if you'd like an in-person reading)


Tips are Graciously Accepted  :) 


*If you don't know the exact time you were born...No worries! We can do some magic.


Book Astrology or Tarot Service w/ Gina

Fill out form below with your info and message the type of service you're interested in!
You will receive an email reply no later than 1 business day. 
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